Pentacity Shopping Venue

Pentacity Shopping Venue

Pentacity Shopping Venue

The latest development from Balikpapan Superblock, Pentacity is home of thousands new shops and modern stores. Built on 12 hectares within the superblock, it is located at the prime area of Balikpapan, to cater the cosmopolitan style for the premium life. Forecasted as the city’s highest standard of excellence, Pentacity is indeed your shopping venue.

  • Lokasi : Balikpapan
  • Pemberi tugas: Wulandari Bangun Laksana
  • Perancang bangun: PT. Indomegah Cipta Bangun Citra
  • Perancang M/E: PT. Meltech Consultindo Nusa
  • Spesifikasi teknis: LB: 95.011m2
  • Luas areal: 27.000m2
  • Jumlah lantai :6 lantai